Minggu, 05 Juni 2016

Charging the '69 Chargers from Hot Wheels

I went to my friend house and see his collections. He has a nice taste to the car. But one car steal my attention, and it was a 1969 Dodge Charger from Hot Wheels with Ocala Police decal on the body. Unfortunately it was already ruined. Scratches everywhere, the decal mostly already gone and it had lost it shine. I asked him to bring the car, perhaps I could do something about it. He said yes and here the result.
I just remove the decal, covered the scratches and detailing a bit....amateur isn't it? Nevertheless, I felt that I had to buy it from him.

On my own garage, I also keep another Charger from 1969. Still fresh from last year, please welcome the Hot Wheels '69 Dodge Charger 500, an updated version from the previous normal Charger. They create this car because at 1968 they lose from the Ford Torino and Mercury Cyclone in the NASCAR. They put the car to the wind tunnel just to reveal that the tunneled rear window caused lift and the gaping mouth induced drag. So they made the rear window flush with the rest of the roof and put a 1968 Coronet grille in the front. Voila, Charger 500 was born. There are total of 500 cars were made and this is one of them.
With color-scheme same as the first Charger 500 ever made, Hot Wheels really did boom myself. Most collectors said that the Hemi decal on the door is disturbing but I decided to keep it there. It doesn't make the car looks weird by the way.

Still addicted with cottons though, but when you have two muscle cars in your hand, what else to do?

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